
How is it February already?!

New routines  are always tough to get into and stick with.  I definitely haven't been going to the gym like I should be.  It's frustrating and hard to not feel disappointed in myself, but like usual, I'm not giving up.  I think the colder months just have a depressing effect on a lot of people.  I take my vitamin D and I do think that makes a difference, but it's a struggle some days to not let the dreariness bring ya down a little.   Even though the fitness hasn't been going great, there's been plenty other things going wonderfully!  I've gotten to hang with my new niece who is so stinking adorable!! I got the tattoo I've been waiting for!!  I've got a new job which I'll be starting in a couple weeks -- something that I've been hoping for for years!!  I've been keeping up with my temperature blanket - one row every day. It's honestly very therapeutic -- just relaxing and I'm so happy I started.  I learned a new stitch and started

Not every day is perfect - but you have to show up!

  Today I’m just not feeling it — not feeling working out…eating right…cleaning house… not really any of it.  And you know what?  That’s okay.   I did go to the gym yesterday!  Got about a 40 min workout in and felt great.  I think today it’s just the cold, dreary, windy day that makes you want to hibernate. So there won’t be a gymming adventure today, but I’m going with my friend tomorrow night.  Gym, salads and shopping for booze.  It’s all about balance.  I have been great with logging in MFP.  The good, the bad and the ugly (not that there’s been much ugly - even with going out to eat with friends last night). Stuck with water and avoided chocolate chip cookies.   Down 2 lbs from the 1st even with not eating perfectly.  I tend to be a scale freak when I’m on track, but I’m trying to make sure I check in with it even when I’m straying some just so I stay honest with myself :) I’ll share some pics of my temperature blanket when it gets a little more exciting — and my other project so

It's a Monday - every day can't be full of motivation :) :)

 For Christmas I received 2 motivational / uplifting calendars... what can I say, the people who love me, know me!!  Today's quote from "You are doing a FREAKING GREAT job" calendar: May I give myself the love, kindness, and compassion I deserve.   Sometimes that gets challenging.  Feeling deserving of that self-love and compassion that for me is easy to give to others.  I can almost always see both sides to a story...fault or understanding on either side...but I've been known to have a difficult time cutting myself some slack.  I know some others in my life deal with the same, so I figure it's something to talk about today!  It's tough sometimes to hear a compliment and feel you deserve it or have earned it.  This year I want to work on accepting compliments better.  To hear "You're amazing!" or "You're a good cook." or "You're beautiful" and learn to say thank you - to take it to heart and believe it rather than jump

2022 - A New Year, A New Me?

Cliché - I know. But for some reason I’m feeling it. It may not last, but I’m going to ride this out as long as I can. I haven’t been one for resolutions for years now and I’m not starting now, but I do have goals. I started a goal board in our home where anyone who visits can write their goals for the year. They’re mostly mine so far, but I’m good with it. I need to have them out there where not only I - but everyone can see. If you followed my last blog (when I kept up on it) or you know me at all, you know that my weight has always been a struggle. Sure I have hypothyroidism, hereditary reasons, anxiety, etc. - but I also like food. Like duh - I know the formula— eat less, move more…but tacos are freaking amazing! So here we are. Another January. Another weigh in. And goals. But I want to take you all with me on this journey. I’ve always said I wanted to be the success story - the after pic in the before and after I look at in awe. Women and men alike who manage to stick wi